About Us

At William Mitchell, we understand that saying goodbye to a loved one at a Funeral can be daunting. But we also understand that every life is made up of many moments, including lots of “hellos”, plenty of “goodbyes”, and everything in between. Our family business is dedicated to helping your family; helping by delivering the level of personal service you need during what can be a very distressing time.

Our Promise

We understand that a loved one’s passing may be sudden or may well be anticipated but few are truly ever prepared for. By listening to you and guiding you gently through the process, together we build a personal service befitting the life we are honouring. We promise to listen to you and to be a guide through the hardest times.

Why William Mitchell?

We work tirelessly to ensure that the Funeral of your loved one is a fitting tribute to them and reflects your needs. Our team has many years of experience to provide as much or as little input into the service and related items as you wish. We understand that sometimes you may just need somebody to talk to. As an independent Funeral Director, we also aim to provide you the best value and a tailored package that fits your needs.

Services we offer